Do For Sale By Owner listings look different than other MLS® listings on
When potential buyers search on, your property will appear alongside all the other listings within the same search parameters. is Canada’s most popular Real Estate website and shows MLS® listings from coast to coast. It has a robust search engine and tools that make it easy to quickly find properties. Map searches will show listings instantly by simply zooming and panning where you want to look by geographical location. You can further filter your search parameters to include or exclude features to focus on items on your wish list.
Typically the Listing Brokerages and agents contact information is the only way for your buyer to find out more information about your property or make an appointment to view it. When your Private Sale or Lease is listed with us, we will direct buyers to contact you directly with our customized feature sheet designed specifically for your property. Depending on the device you are using on, there will be links that redirect the user to this information.
Here are some examples of what these links look like. Serious buyers will always click through to find you:
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